Monday, 21 August 2017

fun run

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Today I think I did a good job at fun run.I came 5th place,Amanjot came 2nd place,Blake came 3rd place and  Jordan came 5th  place.It was fun.My favourite thing was the jumps by the pool.                                         

                                From Navjot                                


One day in New York city a ginormous, fat, hairy mammoth with long tusks came. He looked scary because of his hair. He started to make noise.      
People got scared and screamed. And when he stomped people started to scream and some people said O.M.G because they when scared.Until the people from the zoo came to take it back to the zoo.
                      From Navjot


Thursday, 17 August 2017


This is my maths for this week.We learn to share to have the same amounts and we learn to do fraction.

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Name art

This is my name art.
I liked to do my name art. I think the hard part was when I was colouring in I was using my perseverance  muscle because it kept getting  dark or light.  

from Navjot Singh

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Cold poem

It is cold.
So cold.
It is so cold,
Birds freezing in the cold,
Hot dogs get ice cold,
Cat's hugging each other’s coats in the freezing cold.
It is so cold,
Fish’s are freezing,
Bodybuilders are freeing,
Lollies lick themselves
They die freezing,
Tee-shirts die freezing.
It is so cold,

Navjot Singh

Finding Tibs